Sunday 11 December 2011

Every Picture Tells a Story - 4 – Carhead Rocks…

Carhead Rocks…

Where? you may ask. Not far from the most famous gritstone crag in the world… not far at all really - a spitting distance o-ert the road and you are at the crag that the Peak forgot (or tried to)

These are only really included as some of the only pictures that I have every taken with a broken scaifoid (left wrist thankfully).

We had sought out the rocks using the Allen Williams 1994 Green Peak Bouldering Guide (Ominous it being green) and after years of wondering what the rocks were like. I managed just the one problem before taking a rather po-faced tumble on the green shitty mank of the tundra heather and slime fested rocks.

“Pop” went the bone in my wrist.

“Ouch” I said before spouting a monologue of unrefined rough-cut expletives, for some time I have to admit… (Although I managed to take some canny pictures and carry the beers from the bar – what a hero!)

Still I had the fracture clinic to look forward to and following that the plaster room. I got a rookie and so with a heavy heart, I ditched the blue and white striped number of that there Sheffield Wednesday in favour of a plain green cast. She couldn’t nouse that up surely?

3 attempts later and I had a wonky misshaped green-esque cast in honour of Allen’s guide and the slime that had caused my affliction.

Carhead was born never to be loved, skulking, lurking and squatting in the shadow of the queen of Grit and like a jealous sibling, decided to exact revenge for years of abstinence.

Stanage has always looked after me; we took a w
hile to get to know each other admittedly, but then they all know Froggatt is my lady of choice, in more ways than one.

Does Carhead deserve a second chance? I walked within safe distance the other week, nervously eyeing the squat gritty edgy lumps. They looked as though they wished a casual roaming stroller approach without prejudice…

…I might have been suckered in lest I had seen this dubious looking profile, a mocking rock 'face' cut out laughing at my plight…one climb? “that’s all punter?”

My retort?

…aye but that problem were pretty bloody shit any how…

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